Latest News – June 27, 2024: IFC signs partnership with IFRS

SBN Members Share Experiences with the Equator Principles Financial Institutions at IFC Community of Learning Event on ESG

November 18, 2019 — The latest version of the Equator Principles (EP) – EP4 was launched in Singapore with over 100 attendees from EP financial institutions, development finance institutions and export credit agencies. The EPs reference the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Performance Standards and World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines as a technical basis for assessing and managing ESG risk in emerging markets.

As part of this long-running collaboration, IFC organized the 13th Annual Community of Learning (CoL) event on Nov 20 and 21 in Singapore. The annual event is a knowledge-sharing forum aimed at strengthening the implementation of environmental and social standards by financial institutions in the emerging markets. Deputy Commissioner for Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Co-chair of the SBN Measurement and Green Bond Working Groups shared the Indonesia and SBN experiences as a speaker. Ms. Rong Zhang and Ms. Wei Yuan from the SBN Secretariat also presented at the event.