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GIZ launches free e-learning on Sustainable Finance Taxonomies in cooperation with SBFN

SBFN is pleased to announce a new and free e-learning on Sustainable Finance Taxonomies, developed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in cooperation with SBFN and featuring two pioneering SBFN members: National Treasury of South Africa and the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia.

National Sustainable Finance Taxonomies are a recent innovation globally to attract international investment and direct capital to sectors and activities that make the biggest contribution to low-carbon, green, and inclusive economies. They can be complex to design and implement, and there is no one-size-fits all approach.

Developed on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), this e-learning draws on a cooperation between SBFN and GIZ to demystify taxonomies and help countries leverage best practice to catalyze sustainable finance. Complete with case studies and practical examples, the e-learning is an important resource for regulators as it outlines the best practices in the design of sustainable finance taxonomies through to implementation.

The e-learning is particularly relevant for emerging markets and developing economies. In addition to case studies from South Africa and Colombia, it also features rich content on the taxonomies and experiences of China and the European Union.

The course is currently available in English and will soon also be available in Spanish and French.

Participants receive a certificate after completing the following four modules and associated quizzes:

  • Module 1: An overview of sustainable finance taxonomies
  • Module 2: Taxonomies in practice: the EU and China
  • Module 3: Principles of taxonomy development
  • Module 4: Taxonomy development principles in practice: South Africa and Colombia

The course is aimed primarily at policymakers, including key ministerial staff, regulators, central bankers, capital market authorities and their advisors, who are interested in learning how to set up and develop sustainable finance taxonomies.

By outlining the core elements and use cases of taxonomies, the course also provides important information for the real economy, including financial and non-financial companies that may need to report on the taxonomy alignment of their business activities in future.

To download the brochure, click here

To access the e-learning at UN CC Learn, click here