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Angolan Banking Association (ABANC) Joins SBFN, Reaffirming Their Commitment To Sustainable Finance

May 21, 2024 – The Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN) is pleased to announce the inclusion of the Angolan Banking Association (ABANC) as its newest member, emphasizing our shared commitment to advancing sustainable finance practices and enhancing Angola’s financial system resilience against environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks.

ABANC, a non-profit organization, represents all banks in Angola while fostering inclusivity and independence within the banking sector. Founded with the aim of fortifying Angola’s financial infrastructure and fostering stronger ties with society, ABANC is committed to nurturing a resilient banking sector that aligns with the nation’s evolving needs. Prioritizing ESG and sustainable finance, ABANC has initiated a dedicated task force to execute its strategic agenda, targeting key milestones over the next 2 to 3 years: (i) promoting alignment with global sustainable finance standards, (ii) fostering innovation, credibility, and operational efficiency in banking practices, and (iii) facilitating strategic alliances for the association and its members.

“We extend a warm welcome to ABANC as they join the SBFN community of regulators and industry associations devoted to enhancing sustainable financial practices. ABANC’s commitment to sustainable finance resonates with our mission and we eagerly anticipate supporting their capacity-building efforts, knowledge exchange, and advocacy for sustainable finance among its members,” remarked Jana Mudronova, SBFN Africa Coordinator.

ABANC’s addition brings SBFN’s membership to 92 institutions across 71 countries, amplifying its international presence and reinforcing its role in advancing sustainable finance on a global scale.