How to Use THE SBFN Website
SBFN is a unique, voluntary community of financial sector regulatory agencies and industry associations from emerging markets committed to advancing sustainable finance in line with international good practice.
Members collaborate through peer-to-peer exchanges and thematic working groups.
SBFN’s 80 member institutions represent 63 countries and US$43 trillion, or 86 percent of the total banking assets in emerging markets.
Since 2018, SBFN has published a Global Progress Report every two years to capture member progress and innovations, accompanied by detailed Country Progress Reports for Member Countries.
SBFN’s 3rd Global Progress Report — released in October 2021 — captures the significant increase in collective efforts across 43 emerging markets to develop and implement national enabling frameworks for sustainable finance.
SBFN’s Progress Reports are the most comprehensive benchmarking of national sustainable finance initiatives globally and apply a robust measurement framework agreed on by all SBFN members.

SBFN Toolkit: Developing Sustainable Finance Roadmaps – 8 May 2023
An easy-to-use, practical guide and tool to design and operationalize national or regional sustainable finance roadmaps.

SBFN hosts regular webinars and in-person events to support knowledge sharing, raise awareness, and build capacity of members and stakeholders on sustainable finance. We also support and co-host events with members, partner organizations, and other IFC and World Bank programs.
This includes an annual global meeting for all members, which alternates between being hosted by IFC in Washington, DC, co-hosted with one of our member institutions in their country, or held virtually.
SBFN’s 2022 global gathering was held virtually over 3 days and celebrated SBFN’s 10th Anniversary. High-level speakers included IFC’s Managing Director Mr. Makhtar Diop; SBFN Chair Mr. Alfonso Garcia Mora; H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, (The UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development); central bank governors; heads of financial regulatory agencies and industry associations, and chairs of international networks from across emerging markets that are active on different aspects of sustainable finance.
Our webinar series contains an easily searchable collection of webinars related to key aspects of developing sustainable finance practices in emerging markets

The SBFN Framework Library is is a comprehensive and searchable collection of national sustainable finance framework documents introduced by members to date.
It includes national roadmaps, policies, regulations, voluntary principles, guidelines, research, templates, taxonomies, and tools to guide and enable sustainable finance in emerging markets.
Additional frameworks continue to be added as they are released.

The SBFN Country Comparison Tool is designed to help you explore what 43 emerging markets are doing to advance sustainable finance in line with national priorities and international best practice.
It contains extensive data collected as part of SBFN’s 2021 Global Progress Report and SBFN’s 2019 Global Progress Report – the most comprehensive benchmarking to date of sustainable finance progress at market level in emerging markets.
Country data was collected using SBFN’s unique Measurement Framework, designed with members. The Measurement Framework captures a detailed and systematic picture of national initiatives according to three pillars (ESG Integration, Climate Risk Management, and Financing Sustainability) and indicates each country’s progress across 6 stages of a typical sustainable finance journey.
The tool allows users to compare up to 3 countries at a time according to specific topics and indicators of sustainable finance. It also helps users easily find the underlying framework documents that underpin country approaches.

- Global Developments
- Member Milestones
- New Member Announcements
- Research and Opinions
- SBFN Updates