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SBN LAC Regional Coordinator Interview with the America Economia Magazine

April 16, 2020 — In a recent group interview with the America Economia magazine, in the article titled “The Crossroad of King Midas,” Ms. Marcela Ponce, the SBN LAC Regional Coordinator, shared the experiences of SBN Latin American members in developing national frameworks for sustainable finance. 

“Today, the SBN has twelve [Latin American] member countries that have been progressing with specific actions in favor of sustainable finance: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru. In fact, its most recent report shows the progress made by these countries. For example, Panama and Paraguay rose two levels in the SBN Progression Matrix, going from Preparation (Commitment) to Implementation (Development), based on the launch of their first national sustainable finance policies. Ecuador and Mexico also climbed one level, thanks to the progress of their different initiatives.” Read the full article in Spanish.