SBFN Measurement Working Group
About this Working Group
The Measurement Working Group responds to SBFN members’ demand for a systematic approach to assess and benchmark country progress in developing national sustainable finance frameworks.
This Working Group is comprised of 24 member institutions representing 22 countries and one region. The Working Group is co-chaired by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia (SFC) and the Moroccan Capital Market Authority (AMMC). From 2016 to 2020, leadership was provided by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK).

The Working Group has developed and refined a Measurement Framework that was approved by all members and continues to evolve to keep pace with country-level and global developments.
The Working Group members provided leadership for SBFN’s 1st Global Progress Report and 15 Country Progress Reports in 2018, 2nd Global Progress Report and 30 Country Progress Reports in 2019, and 3rd Global Progress Report and 41 Country Progress Reports in 2021.
Co-Chairs and members of the Working Group guided the latest update of the SBFN Measurement Framework in 2023, as well as development of SBFN’s 2024 Global Progress Brief, published in April 2024, which offers a comprehensive benchmarking of sustainable finance trends and initiatives across 66 member countries.
The SBFN Measurement Framework guides the regular data collection from member countries, which feeds into the development of Global Progress Brief and content of the SBFN Data Portal. SBFN has introduced the online SBFN Data Portal in 2024 to provide a one-stop platform for sustainable finance data in emerging markets, enhancing data comparison and analysis functionalities, and offering regular updates on sustainable finance progress. The SBFN Data Portal provides aggregated data on SBFN members progress in developing sustainable finance policies and initiatives, country profiles with key developments in SBFN member countries’ sustainable finance journey, case studies, and a comprehensive framework library. The SBFN Data Portal and Global Progress Brief provide the most comprehensive benchmarking of national sustainable finance initiatives across emerging markets