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Indonesia, SBFN, and IFC jointly hosts a webinar on global good practices of carbon market development

November 4, 2021 | 3 hr 11 mins |
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On November 4, 2021, Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK), supported by SBFN and IFC, hosted the webinar “Carbon Market: Global Practices” as part of OJK’s Sustainable Finance International Forum 2021 “Pathway to Zero Carbon Emission-Carbon Trading”.

The webinar focused on how to establish an effective carbon trading market from the perspectives of policy makers and market players, and the challenges that need to be addressed.

Louise Gardiner, SBFN Working Groups and Africa Region Coordinator, shared highlights from SBFN’s recently launched Global Progress Report, which confirm the importance of different types of sustainable finance tools and structures to help accelerate the global response to climate change and other environmental and social challenges.

The Global Report also showcases a variety of advances by OJK in the last two years to promote sustainable finance in Indonesia, which place Indonesia in the “Consolidating” stage of the SBFN Progression Matrix. 

Indonesia has been among the sustainable finance leaders in emerging markets. In 2014, OJK published the Roadmap for Sustainable Finance in Indonesia 2015-2019.

In 2021, with the first roadmap well-executed, OJK issued the Sustainable Finance Roadmap Phase II (2021-2025), continuing to broaden and deepen the development of sustainable finance nation-wide.

As one of the founding members of SBFN in 2012, OJK is a former Co-chair of the SBFN Measurement Working Group and the incoming Co-chair of the SBFN Sustainable Finance Instrument Working Group.